Milk( 1 litre)
Vanila pudding ( 4 packages)
Sugar (100 grams)
Butter (250 grams)
Whitwchocolate (100 grams)
Cream (300 ml)
Puff pastry ( 2 packages) @lidlsrbija
Puff pastry ftom Lidl already comes stretched. Take one piece of puff pastry and simply poke it with afork( picture 1). Cut the other piece as you would like the top of your pie to look like and poke that one with the fork as well ( picture2). Preheat the oven to 200 Celsius and bake the pastry for about 15 min.

Take some milk out of the 1 litre and mix it in with the pudding. Boil the rest of the milk with sugar, add the pudding mixture and stir until the mixture cools. Mix the cream separately and add a small amount of it into the cold pudding mixture with a spatula. Mix until it ceates a smooth mixture.

First spread the pudding mixture on top of the coilead down puff pastry, than layer the cream. Put the second puff pastry on top and sprinkle with some  powdered sugar.


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