Zelene tikvice narezati na stapice ili jos bolje ako imate @delimano SPIRALIZATOR,  poslolti i ostaviti da se dobro ocedi. Sargarepu i celer, pomocu ljustilice za krompir, iseckati na listice. Brokoli ( ja ga nisam barila jel volim da nesto hrska), iskidati na cvetice. Crni i beli luk takodje narezati sto tanje a
persun, celerov list i bosiljak, mozete i rukama da iskidate.

 U medjuvremenu na maslinovom ulju i puteru proprzite tanko secene snicle belog mesa. Ja uvek dodam puter jel je meso socnije.

Vatrostalnu ciniju, premazite uljem , poslagati ocedjenu tikvicu, luk, sargarepu, celer, persun, bosiljak i sve to malo posoliti i pobiberiti. Na povrce staviti pecenu piletinu i obrnutim redom poslagati povrce. Opet malo bibera i soja sosom ( pazite da ne preterate jel je soja sos dovoljno sla). 

U zagrejanoj rerni na 200C oko 25 min. Izvadite i preliti sa umucenim jajima, 3 kom i 1 kiselom pavlakom i rendanim parmezanom 
pa ponovo vratite da se zapece.

  Ispecenu i prohladjenu musaku dekorisati kuglom kisele pavlake jos malo parmezana i sve to preliti sa malo maslinovog ulja.

                       VEGETABLE CHICKEN MOUSAKA

Cut zucchinis into stick, or even better use a @delimano SPIRALIZER ( spiral vegetable slucer) if you have one. Add salt and let them drain. Sluce carrots and celery using vegetable peeler. Break broccolu into pieces ( i didn't boil it because I like the crunch). Cut onion and garlic into thin pieces. Tear celery leaves, parsley and basil with your hands. In the meantime fry thinly sliced chucken breasts on olive oil and butter * i always add butter because it makes meat more tender)
Oil the baking dish, lay drained zucchini, onion, garlic, carror, celery, parsley and basil. Add salt, pepper and sau souce. Layer the chicken and then vegetables again,this time the other way around so thst zucchinis are on top.
Prehead the oven to 200 C and bake for around 25 minutes. Take moussaka out of the iven, pour the mixture of three eggs and sour cream. I put sime dredded Parmesan over the moussaka and put it bacj in the oven for a luttle while.

Dekorate the moussaka with some sour creame, a bit more Parmesan and spprinkle it with little bit of olive oul.


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